In 2012 my mother, Madeline Lamb, died after an 80 day battle with brain cancer. While glioblasotma is a rare type of brain tumor, it is a cancer that quickly brings people to their knees. Patients diagnosed with glioblastoma have a very dim prognosis. Every time I do an event that benefits cancer research and cancer patients, I do it in honor of my beautiful, brillant, compassionate mother whose life was cut way too short by this devastating disease.
In her life, she was a helper, so much so, that when she was dying her colleagues raised money for charities in her honor by selling bracelets that read: "What would Madeline do?" I try to ask myself that question every single day. In this case, I know exactly what she would tell me to do, she would tell me to ride...
Thank you for your consideration in sponsoring me in the 2015 le Tour de Femme.